Advance Care Planning

Advance Care Planning



Your Life Your Wishes Task Force provides programs to help York County adults understand the importance of discussing the difficult topic of what you would want if you were seriously ill or injured, and unable to communicate.    Advance Care Planning provides the chance to express your wishes . . . ensuring you receive the care you want and avoid the medical treatments you don’t want. 

Advance Care Planning is important for all adults.  The leading cause of death for those under the age of 40 is accidental trauma.  Major brain trauma may leave an individual in a vegetative state where they cannot make decisions or communicate.  The well-publicized cases of Karen Ann Quinlin and Terri Schiavo are such examples.  They were in their twenties when their life-altering events occurred.  

Your Life Your Wishes Task Force volunteers are available to lead an interactive program for your organization to discuss this important topic. These programs are offered at no cost.  All participants receive a resource packet that includes Advance Directive documents (for which there is no charge to complete). The program can be tailored to meet the needs of a variety of groups, including (but not limited to):

  • Business & Industry workplaces
  • Civic Groups
  • Health & Human Service Agencies
  • Independent Living Facilities
  • Religious communities
  • Senior Centers 

Click here to access Advance Care Planning information and resources, or check out these specific pages:

Contact the Coalition to learn more:  OR (717) 851-2333